Wednesday, February 22, 2012

the day after the package was sent out ~
it reach early ~but totally mayhem when the content is kinda terbalik~~~
wtf !!!!!! change into stone n chemical ?
walao ~~~
really is sad die me ~~

wat i had prepare so 'hard' and "long" to this little surprise me , it actually fails me so hard~
its kind a big slap to the face ~
why o why ~~of all the things tat can go wrong ~how come it had to my first shipment out using courier service to send a parcel service to her ?
on her birthday eve some more ?

caught speechless at the very moment !!y even this u also have to fail me ! the surprise is really ruined ~~
p/~ i m doing logistic ! shame on logistic if the service level maintain at this level ~~
really cant help wanted to screw ~~~


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